WCC has been active in Ukraine since the onset of the Ukraine war in 2022. The organization started by bringing together a Ukraine Service Providers Roundtable to promote collaborations between different agencies and coordinate support for refugees. The roundtable is active to date, connecting agencies on the ground to critical funding and resources.
Weeks into the war, WCC went further and deployed team members to Lviv, Ukraine. The team set up medical clinics in half a dozen refugee camps. From there, they provided refugees with medical care, giving specialty care to women and children. WCC further donated medical supplies, therapy booklets, and new clothes to its partners on the ground.
Beyond physical needs, mental health challenges become a major problem during war. Recognizing this, WCC set up resiliency workshops where its team members used healing journals to help parents and children cope. The organization has distributed about 1,000 healing materials to families in Ukraine.